Parents involved in education
Parents are the most important teachers in a child’s life.
While schools play an important role in education of students, it is only with the joining efforts of parents and schools that positive values and attitudes can be achieved effectively in students. Families are essential base start of a moral education for students. Parents play a big part of students’ academic and character development by serving as Role Models for their children.
SMN strongly believe the collaborative efforts of parents and school will help children who are brought up under love and care of homes and schools to develop and grow healthily.
Parent Involve in Education (PIE) is a bridge between schools and parents. PIE contributions to the school are well appreciated. SMN express a sincere appreciation to all parents of SMN to be part of PIE.

- To promote connections and communications between parents and school and to establish a partnership between them.
- To develop and strengthen the relationship of parents with their children through a variety of developmental and educative activities/programs.
- To provide a channel for both parents and the school to communicate effectively.
Role of PIE
- Act as a bridge between parents and school.
- Act as a Information agent for parents on school programs/activities, curriculum, school policy, etc.
- Deliver parents aspiration for better development of school and students.
- Welcome new parents.
- Active involved in building positive school image.
- Work together with the school to promote the school.
- Unite parents all levels.
- Organize activities/programs based on approve yearly program.
- Prepare Financial report to school
Sekolah Mutiara Nusantara
Jl. Sersan Bajuri KM 1,5 Cihideung
Kec. Parongpong Kab. Bandung Barat
Jawa Barat Indonesia - 40559
+62 22 201-77-73
+62 22 201-77-65