Visual Art

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Grade 11

Visual arts journal, Introduction Core area, Introduction VA Curriculum
Assessment Criteria
Art Making

IB Learner Profile Learning Activity
Inquirers Learners investigate through research for cultural context on works of art
Knowledgeable Learners process the visual arts journal to record their development in ideas and exploration.
Thinkers Learners examine how wide the range of art making within 3 groups of art making processes is.
Learners explore 2D, 3D and Lens based media.
Communicators Learners express their ideas about their interest in some specific subject or artist.
Risk-Takers Learners challenge the convention of art by examining cultural significance


Grade 12

Progress evaluation of CS and PP
IB Learner Profile Learning Activity
Inquirers Learners analyse the connection of the theme from overall works & plan
Knowledgeable Learners process the comparative study, in the section F to connect with personal artwork.
Thinkers Learners analyse the data collected to meet the assessment criteria
Risk-Takers Learners examine an artist that has controversial context in their works.
Reflective Learners consider new forms of art to communicate the intention.


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