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IB Diploma Newsletter

Words from the IBDP Coordinator

Hi everyone and welcome to our very first IB Diploma Newsletter. After over two years of learning offline, it’s been great to finally get back in school and be with our whole community again. It hasn’t been easy as both students, parents and teachers have had to re-adjust to learning offline. Nevertheless, that hasn’t stopped our progress and we are happy to share with you all that has happened at Sekolah Mutiara Nusantara in term one for this year. From exploring 2D, 3D and lens media in Art; examining the structure of small intestines in Biology; visiting charities and doing fundraising for them in Creativity, Action and Service (CAS), there has been something for everybody here at SMN. So please read on, see what has been happening.

Below are video testimonials from our students.

Here are the details of what was learned during the term one.


Thank You

Matthew France – IBDP Coordinator

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