IB Diploma Newsletter

Words from the IBDP Coordinator Hi everyone and welcome to our very first IB Diploma Newsletter. After over two years of learning offline, it’s been great to finally get back in school and be with our whole community again. It hasn’t been easy as both students, parents and teachers have had to re-adjust to learning offline. Nevertheless, that hasn’t stopped our progress and we are happy to share with you all that has happened at Sekolah Mutiara Nusantara in term

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Kota Tua Fieldtrip in Collaboration with Secondary Collaborative Learning Days

MUSEUMS   Museum Bank Mandiri The Museum Bank Mandiri is located in Jln. Lapangan Stasiun No.1 in Old Town Jakarta. This building was built in 2004. It was originally the Nederlandsche Handel-Maatschappij (NHM) building or the Factorij office in Batavia which was a trading company owned by the Dutch king, Willem I, which later developed into companies in the banking sector. The museum has various collections inside it starting from “tempo doeloe” banking activities and developments, the collections owned ranging

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International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) – Three Core Elements

This programme is a comprehensive international curriculum delivered in English. It is a demanding two year pre-university course of study with rigorous assessment that leads to external examinations, conducted by the IBO, at the end of Grade 12. Students are equipped with the skills and attitudes necessary for success in higher education and employment. Many universities offer credit points or advanced standing to IBDP students. The DP pathway is intended mainly for students planning to study in a university overseas

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Why the IB Diploma Programme is ideal preparation for university

Why higher education institutions are so enamoured of Diploma Programme students It offers academic breadth and depth We know graduates do well. In 2011, figures from the UKs Higher Education Statistics Agency found that IB graduates were much more likely to be enrolled at one of the top 20 higher education institutions than entrants holding other qualifications. Studying six subjects means students aren’t forced to narrow their choices while still at school, and can keep university options open. That doesn’t

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Kurikulum sekolah international di Indonesia

Kurikulum merupakan bagian terpenting dalam sebuah proses pendidikan. Terdapat beberpa sekolah international atau sekolah pendidikan kerjasama di Indonesia yang mengadopsi beberpa kurikulum internasional sekaligus. Bertikut ini kurikulum internasional yang banyak digunakan di Indonesia. Cambridge Internasional Kurikulum Cambridge berasal dari Inggris yang mendapatkan supervisi secara langsung dari Universitas Cambridge. Pada sistem ini, anak dilatih untuk memiliki daya analitis dan kritis. Selain itu, ditambah pula dengan penekanan pada kemampuan public speaking. Sehingga, anak terbiasa untuk berbicara di depan publik. Terdapat empat fokus

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Digital Kompetensi

Tahun ini merupakan tahun kedua pada perjalanan roadmap 2022-2023 yaitu Digital Kompetensi, dengan tagline “Through Digital, Go Beyond”. Sebagai rangkaian roadmap yang sudah dirangkai untuk 5

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